Vale is a series of photographic works made in Vallis Vale - a narrow, cliff-lined, three-mile-long valley set in the southwest of England, which is one of the country’s few remaining ancient woodlands and officially designated rainforests. It’s a place that I live next to, and am frequently drawn into - a small yet infinitely complex ecosystem, where the dizzyingly interconnected, kaleidoscopic, almost hallucinogenic “veil” of nature descends from its steep sides, enveloping and overwhelming me on both a visual and emotional level. Immersed in this ever-changing tapestry of life, I find myself both enwrapped and enraptured by the interlaced ingenuity of this unique and enduring landscape, as well as by the interwoven intelligence, persistence and power of nature itself.
Selected for Hariban Award 2021 / Published in Lampoon Magazine, Issue #22 (Edited by Stefano Boeri) / Exhibited at Centre of British Photography (2023)
Aaron Schuman Photography
Copyright © Aaron Schuman, 2020. All
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