
09/08/24 - LaBabuch (France) - "Bookmaking: The Personal & The Universal - Workshop with Aaron Schuman & Adrianna Ault" - 11th-18th August 2024 - https://lababuch.com/en/
11/05/24 - Martin Parr Foundation - Symposium: UK Photography in the 1990s - "In Conversation: Aaron Schuman & Vinca Petersen" - 11th May 2024 - https://www.martinparrfoundation.org/
12/04/24 - DieciXDieci Festival (Italy) - "Out of Place: Finding Narratives in New Locations - Workshop with Aaron Schuman" - 13th-21st April 2024 - https://www.festivaldiecixdieci.it/home/
15/02/24 -The Times - "In Pictures: Working the Soil to Save the Earth: We Feed the UK" (featuring Aaron Schuman) - 15th February 2024 - https://www.thetimes.co.uk
08/02/24 - Open Eye Gallery (Liverpool) - "We Feed the UK" (featuring photographic works by Aaron Schuman + more) - 8th Feb.-31st March 2024 - https://openeye.org.uk/whatson/we-feed-the-uk
31/01/24 - Houston Center of Photography - "2024 Print Auction" (featuring works by Aaron Schuman, Susan Meiselas, Alec Soth and more) - 15th February 2024 - https://www.edu.hcponline.org/events
17/12/23 - Photobookstore - "Aaron Schuman: Photobooks of 2023" - 17th December 2023 - https://photobookstore.co.uk/blogs/photobookstore-magazine/photobooks-of-2023-aaron-schuman
05/12/23 - GRAIN Projects / Gaia Foundation - "We Feed the UK: Commission & Exhibition 2024" - https://wefeedtheworld.org/we-feed-the-uk/photographers/
09/11/23 - The Guardian - "Abandoned: Jill Quigley & Adrian Tyler" - 9th November 2023 - https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/gallery/2023/nov
28/09/23 - Martin Parr Foundation - "Abandoned: Jill Quigley & Adrian Tyler" - Exhibition Text - 28th Sept. - 22nd Dec, 2023 - https://www.martinparrfoundation.org/exhibitions/abandoned/
10/09/23 - OMNEFEST 2023 (Castelfranco Veneto): Artist in Residence - Aaron Schuman - September 2023-25 - https://o-m-n-e.com/en/
01/09/23 - British Journal of Photography (Sept/Oct 2023) - "Ta-Ra: In Conversation with Sebastian Bruno", by Aaron Schuman - https://www.1854.photography
04/08/23 - HAPAX Magazine: Issue #4 - Feature Portfolio: "A Person from Porlock", by Aaron Schuman (+ Elinor Carucci, Seif Kousmate, & more) - https://www.hapaxmagazine.com
22/07/23 - On The Verge (VOID / Futures, 2023) - featuring "Letter to Charles Baudelaire", by Aaron Schuman (+ David Campany, Tim Carpenter, Brad Zellar & more) - https://void.photo/ontheverge
13/05/23 - Offprint London / MACK - Sonata - Signing with Aaron Schuman - 13th May 2023, 3PM - https://www.offprint.org
08/06/23 - Centre for British Photography (London) - "Vale" by Aaron Schuman (3 Works) - in "Countryside, Landscape, Environment", 8th June - 24th Sept. 2023 - https://britishphotography.org
13/05/23 - Fotografia Europea 2023/ Palazzo Magnani - "PHOTOGRAPH-ER: Seven Senses", Masterclass with Aaron Schuman - 10th-11th May 2023 - https://www.fotografiaeuropea.it
01/04/23 - La Reppublica (D Magazine) - "Sonata" (Portfolio by Aaron Schuman) - featured 1st April 2023 - https://www.repubblica.it/moda-e-beauty/d/
10/03/23 - Micamera (Milan) - SONATA - Exhibition & Installation by Aaron Schuman - 10th March - 22nd April 2023 - https://www.micamera.com/en/evento/mostra-aaron-schuman-sonata/
01/03/23 - GRANTA Magazine - "Long, Too Long America", Portfolio by Aaron Schuman - Issue #162, Spring 2023 - https://granta.com/america-aaron-schuman/
22/02/23 - FOAM (Amsterdam) - Sonata, by Aaron Schuman - Foam Editions- https://shop.foam.org/en/aaron-schuman
03/02/23 - PHRoom - "Aaron Schuman: Sonata", Essay by Matteo Cremonesi - February 2023 - https://phroomplatform.com/sonata-aaron-schuman/
15/01/23 - Compendium (Edited by David Campany & Jose Bertolo) - "Materialities of the Photobook: In Conversation w/ Aaron Schuman" - https://compendium.letras.ulisboa.pt
12/01/23 - Globalist - "Aaron Schuman's Sonata" - Extended Essay by Francesca Parenti - https://www.globalist.it/culture/2023/01/17/sonata-di-aaron-schuman
24/12/22 - PHMuseum - "Best Photobooks of 2022 - Sonata, by Aaron Schuman" - https://phmuseum.com/news/phmuseums-best-photobooks-of-2022
06/12/22 - Photobookstore Magazine: "Photobooks of 2022: Aaron Schuman" - https://photobookstore.co.uk/blogs/photobookstore-magazine/photobooks-of-2022-aaron-schuman
03/11/22 - SOURCE Magazine - "Sonata: by Aaron Schuman" - Essay by Sara Dominici - Issue #109, Autumn 2022 - https://www.source.ie/archive/issue109/is109contents.php
13/11/22 - Hotshoe Magazine - "Aaron Schuman: In Conversation w/ Martin Parr" - Issue #208, Autumn 2022 - http://hotshoemagazine.com
12/11/22 - Le Bal (Paris) - OK No Response (Twin Palms, 2022) - Book Launch & Signing, w/ Susan Lipper, Antony Cairns, Aaron Schuman, etc. - https://www.le-bal.fr/2022/10/ok-no-response
11/11/22 - Delpire & Co. - Signing w/ MACK Artists (G. Johansson, J. Kurland, S. Wolukau-Wanambwa, A. Schuman, D. Campany, R. Meeks, R. Jude, Etc.) - https://delpireandco.com
11/11/22 - Paris Photo 2022 - Sonata - Aaron Schuman: Book Signing - 11th November 2022, 3PM @ MACK Books - https://www.parisphoto.com/en-gb/program/2022/signatures.html
27/10/22 - El Pais - "Two Photographers in Italy: Seiichi Furuya & Aaron Schuman", by Gloria Crespo Maclennan - https://elpais.com/babelia/2022-10-27/
14/10/22 - C41 Magazine - "Sonata, by Aaron Schuman", Essay by Elena Rebecca Rivolta - https://www.c41magazine.com/sonata-by-aaron-schuman/
10/10/22 - ArtDoc Magazine - "Image & Idenity Issue: featuring Sonata, by Aaron Schuman" - Issue #2, Autumn 2022 - https://www.artdoc.photo/issue/image-and-identity
30/09/22 - New York Art Book Fair 2022: Sonata - Aaron Schuman: Book Signing - 14th September 2022, 5PM @ MACK Books - https://nyabf2022.printedmatterartbookfairs.org
18/09/22 - Babel Literary Festival 2022: "Tell It Slant: In Conversation with Aaron Schuman", w/ Luca Fiore - 18th September 2022, Bellinzona, Switzerland - https://www.babelfestival.com/aaron-schuman/
16/09/22 - Unseen Amsterdam 2022: Sonata - Aaron Schuman: Book Signing - 16th September 2022, 4PM @ MACK Books - https://unseenamsterdam.com
15/09/22 - Hariban Award 2021 Catalogue (Benrido Atelier, 2022) - featuring Aaron Schuman, Donovan Smallwood, Ed Panar, Tarrah Krajnak and more - https://benrido-store.com/product/hariban-award-2021-catalogue/
12/09/22 - Aperture: "From the Archive: In Conversation - William Klein & Aaron Schuman - 'William Klein Dreams in Black & White', Fall 2015" - https://aperture.org/editorial/magazine-interview-william-klein/
09/09/22 - Foam: "On Assignment - Navigating the Media Industry (Talks)" - moderated by Aaron Schuman; featuring Rahim Fortune, Emma Bowkett, Bieke Depoorter, Alex Majoli and more - https://www.foam.org/
21/08/22 - New York Times: "By the Book: Frances Mayes Admires Travel Writers...(featuring Sonata, by Aaron Schuman)" - https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/18/books/review
05/08/22 - La Repubblica: "Sonata: L'Italia della Piccole Bellezze" (Cultura) - Essay by Michele Smargiassi, 5th August 2022 - https://www.repubblica.it
22/07/22 - Internazionale: "Sonata: Il viaggio in Italia di Aaron Schuman" - by Daniele Cassandro - https://www.internazionale.it/foto/2022/07/22/viaggio-italia-aaron-schuman-sonata
24/06/22 - I Had to Shed My Skin, by Matteo di Giovanni (Artphilein, 2022) - "Amor Fati", Essay by Aaron Schuman - https://choisi.info/products/i-had-to-shed-my-skin
20/05/22 - PhotoLux Intertarget Award 2022 (Jury): Aaron Schuman, Nicola Tanzini, Dimitri Beck -2022 Award Winner: Michael Swann - http://www.photoluxfestival.it/en/intarget-photolux-award-2022-3/
10/03/22 - OK No Response (Twin Palms, 2022): Ed. L. Helton & A. Stern - featuring Aaron Schuman, Antony Cairns, Susan Lipper, Bryan Schutmaat, Madeline Cass, Pixy Liao, etc. - https://twinpalms.com
01/01/22 - UWE Bristol: Associate Professorship - Aaron Schuman, Programme Leader of MA Photography, University of the West of England - https://people.uwe.ac.uk/Person/AaronSchuman
19/12/21 - Aperture - "How Photographers Navigate the Challenges of Working on Assignment", Essay by Aaron Schuman - https://aperture.org/editorial/how-photographers-navigate-the-challenges
01/12/21 - Hotshoe International: Issue #206, "Chris Killip" - featuring texts by Aaron Schuman, Gregory Halpern, Mark Steinmetz, Sage Sohier, etc. - http://hotshoemagazine.com
08/11/21 - Drakes Editorial: "A Conversation with Photographer Aaron Schuman", by Adam Ryan - https://www.drakes.com/no/editorial/aaron-schuman-photography-profile-interview-italy/
22/10/21 - Hariban Award 2021 - Finalist - "Vale" by Aaron Schuman (+ Donovan Smallwood, Tarrah Krajnak, Ed Panar, Gideon Mendel, Dylan Hausthor, etc.) - https://www.benrido.co.jp/
20/10/21 - British Journal of Photography (Activism & Protest Issue, Oct. 2021) - "On Location - Bristol", by Aaron Schuman - https://www.1854.photography/2021/10/on-location-bristol/
15/08/21 - MACK LIVE: "Guido Guidi - A Tour of My Bookshelves" (Video) - featuring SLANT by Aaron Schuman - https://mackbooks.co.uk/blogs/past-events/mack-live-guido-guidi-a-tour-of-my-bookshelves
01/08/21 - The Photocaptionist: "The Word & Image Workshops 2021-22" - featuring Aaron Schuman & many more - https://photocaptionist.com/projects/apply-now-photocaptionist-wiw/
08/07/21 - Photo No-Nos: Meditations on What Not to Photograph (Aperture, 2021, Ed. Jason Fulford) - featuring "Belly Dancers", Essay by Aaron Schuman - https://aperture.org/books/
04/06/21 - Royal Photographic Society: "IN PROGRESS: Laia Abril, Hoda Afshar, Widline Cadet, Adama Jalloh, Alba Zari" (Exhibition), Curated by Aaron Schuman, May-Oct. 2021 - https://rps.org/
23/05/21 - Conversations on Photography (Kehrer Verlag, 2021): "The Bridge: Paul Hill in Conversation with Aaron Schuman" (Chapter), for Fotogalleriet Oslo - https://www.kehrerverlag.com/
20/05/21 - Perfect Bound (Podcast): "Episode 10 - Aaron Schuman" (in conversation with Jennifer Yoffy) - 20th May 2021 - http://www.yoffypress.com/podcast
27/04/21 - RESET: Sistema Festival Fotografia / Strategia Fotografia 2021 (Italian Ministry for Cultural Heritage) - Jury: Aaron Schuman, M. Balduzzi, D. Curti, F. Fabiani, E. Medde, A. Prina - sistemafestivalfotografia.it/
04/03/21 -
MACK Live: "The Local: Nick Meyer and Aaron Schuman in Conversation" (Video), 4th March 2021 - https://mackbooks.co.uk/pages/live
03/03/21 - Drake's: "The Bureau: Mark Power and Aaron Schuman -Good Morning, America", March 2021 - https://www.drakes.com/editorial/the-bureau-photographer-mark-power/
23/02/21 - British Journal of Photography: "Picture This: Memory" - featuring Aaron Schuman - Then&Now Issue: January/February 2021 -https://www.1854.photography/2021/03/picture-this-memory/
01/02/21 - Sicily Photo Masterclass 2021: Directed by Mimi Mollica w/ Guest Tutors: Aaron Schuman & Elisa Medde - 6-11 September 2021, San Giovanni, Sicily - https://sicilyphotomasterclass.com
06/01/21 - Foreground Projects: "Facts & Other Mysteries: David Campany on Aaron Schuman's SLANT" (File Note / Publication) - http://foregroundprojects.org.uk/
28/12/20 - Aperture - "Aperture's Best Photography Features of 2020: 'How to Be a Photographer Right Now' by Aaron Schuman" - https://aperture.org/editorial/best-photography-features-2020/
04/12/20 - Foreground Projects: "How We Live Now" (#01) - SLANT: The Election Edit, Fall 2020 (Online Exhibition), by Aaron Schuman - http://foregroundprojects.org.uk/
02/11/20 - Lampoon Magazine, Issue #22, "The Commitment Issue" (Edited by Stefano Boeri) - featuring "Vale", by Aaron Schuman - https://lampoonmagazine.com
19/10/20 - "UNRAVEL" - Curated by Vanessa Winship @ Plovdiv Festival 2020 - featuring SLANT by Aaron Schuman + Stanley Wolukau-Wanambwa, Chloe Dewe Mathews, Jack Latham, etc.
15/10/20 - States Of Change (October 2020) - featuring: Vale, Untitled (#3281) - by Aaron Schuman - https://statesofchange.us
12/10/20 - PhotoFringe 2020 ("TAKE/MAKE") - "Artist Trail: ____ / ____", by Aaron Schuman, October-November 2020 - https://2020.photofringe.org/latest/trail-by-aaron-schuman
25/09/20 - Foam: "SONATA: Et in Arcadia Ego (Photographs by Aaron Schuman; Essay by Elisa Medde)", Issue #57 ("In Limbo"), Autumn 2020 - https://shop.foam.org/en/foam-magazine-57-in-limbo.html
10/09/20 - Houston Center of Photography: "Keeper of the Hearth" (Exhibition - curated by Odette England) - featuring photographs by Aaron Schuman - https://hcponline.org/exhibit/keeper-of-the-hearth/
15/08/20 - The Nearest Truth (Podcast) - "Episode #61: Aaron Schuman" (120-minutes; w/ Brad Feuerhelm) - https://nearesttruth.com/episodes/ep-61-aaron-schuman-tell-all-the-truth-but-tell-it-slant/
01/07/20 - YET Magazine: "Peter Puklus: Handbook to the Stars" (Essay by Aaron Schuman), Issue #12, Summer/Autumn 2020 - https://yet-magazine.com/shop/product/issue-12-pre-order/
28/06/20 - MACK LIVE - "Aaron Schuman: On SLANT (Online Talk/Lecture)" - Thursday, 28th May 2020, 7PM (available on MACK Live & MACK Books YouTube Channel) - https://mackbooks.co.uk/pages/live
10/05/20 - Soft Copy #003 - featuring Aaron Schuman, Bryan Schutmaat, Tim Carpenter, Emma Phillips, Ben Grieme, Pat Martin (40pp; Duotone Offset; Edition: 300) - http://www.soft-copy.co/books/soft-copy-003/
01/05/20 - British Journal of Photography - "Chain Mail: A Virtual Conversation - Aaron Schuman, Vanessa Winship, Clint Woodside, Ed Templeton, Todd Hido" - https://www.bjp-online.com/2020/05/chain-mail-1/
15/04/20 - Keeper of the Hearth (edited by Odette England) - featuring photographs by Aaron Schuman - published by Schilt Publishing, April 2020 - https://www.schiltpublishing.com/
04/04/20 - Aperture - "How to Be a Photographer Right Now (w/ Gus Powell, Newsha Tavakolian & Hannah Whitaker)" - by Aaron Schuman - https://aperture.org/blog/how-to-be-a-photographer
31/03/20 - Magnum Photos - "In Conversation with David Levi Strauss - Photography, Trump...and the Phantasmagoria of Politics" - by Aaron Schuman - https://www.magnumphotos.com/newsroom/photography-trump
28/02/20 - 10x10 Photobooks Salon / Penumbra Foundation - Artist Talk: Aaron Schuman - SLANT, 28th February 2020,7PM - https://10x10photobooks.org/category/salons/
03/02/20 - Pakhuis De Zwijger / PhotoQ (Amsterdam) - Artist Talk: Aaron Schuman - SLANT, 3rd February 2020, 8PM - https://dezwijger.nl/programma/artist-talk-aaron-schuman-usa
17/12/19 - The Guardian - "Best Culture 2019: TOP PHOTOGRAPHY BOOKS of 2019" - featuring SLANT, by Aaron Schuman - https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2019/dec/17/top-15-photography-books-of-2019
17/12/19 - Internazionale - "PHOTOGRAPHY BOOKS of the YEAR: 2019" - featuring SLANT, by Aaron Schuman - https://www.internazionale.it/bloc-notes/2019/12/19/libri-fotografia-2019
16/12/19 - Photobookstore Magazine - "PHOTOBOOKS of 2019: At Least Thirteen Gentle Men, by Vanessa Winship - featuring SLANT, by Aaron Schuman - https://www.photobookstore.co.uk/blog/
15/12/19 - Photoeye.com - "FAVORITE PHOTOBOOKS of 2019 - SLANT, by Aaron Schuman" (nominated by Jason Fulford & Rebecca Norris Webb) - https://www.photoeye.com/best-books-2019/
14/12/19 - Foam: "Alba Zari: The Y", Essay by Aaron Schuman, Issue #55 ("Talent 2020"), Winter 2019 - https://shop.foam.org/en/foam-magazine-55-talent-zari.html
13/12/19 - Deadbeat Club Press - "Photobooks of Note 2019, by Raymond Meeks" - featuring SLANT, by Aaron Schuman - https://deadbeatclubpress.com/blogs/favorite-photobooks-2019/brad-feuerhelm
08/12/19 - Deadbeat Club Press - "Photobooks of Note 2019, by Brad Feuerhelm" - featuring SLANT, by Aaron Schuman - https://deadbeatclubpress.com/blogs/favorite-photobooks-2019/
07/12/19 - Photobookstore Magazine - "BEST PHOTOBOOKS of 2019 - SLANT, by Aaron Schuman" (nominated by Mark Power, B. Feuerhelm, Martin Amis & Robin Titchener) - https://www.photobookstore.co.uk/blog/
06/12/19 - Watershed (Bristol) / Visual Culture Research Group (UWE) / Family Ties Network - Symposium: "Through the Years" featuring Aaron Schuman - https://vcrg.co.uk/2019/11/24/through-the-years-symposium/
01/12/19 - Magnum Photos - "Koudelka: Shooting the Holy Land", Essay by Aaron Schuman, 4th December 2019 - https://www.magnumphotos.com/theory-and-practice/
07/11/19 - Paris Photo 2019: Artist Talk - "Aaron Schuman: SLANT" @ Grand Palais, 7th November, 3PM - https://programme.parisphoto.com/en/
07/11/19 - Paris Photo 2019: Book Signing - SLANT @ MACK Booth, 9th November 2019, 12PM - https://mackbooks.co.uk/pages/events
05/11/19 - Maison Européenne de la Photographie (Paris) - Symposium: "Photography Magazine Salon", Panel Discussion moderated by Aaron Schuman,8th Nov. 2019, 6PM - https://cargocollective.com/pms
17/10/19 - Magnum Photos - "On Learning from Failure: In Conversation with Alec Soth", Interview by Aaron Schuman, 17th October 2019 - https://www.magnumphotos.com/theory-and-practice/
04/10/19 - BOP (Books on Photography) Festival: Artist Talk + Signing @ Martin Parr Foundation / Royal Photographic Society, 19th October 2019, 5:30PM - https://www.martinparrfoundation.org/events/bop-bristol-19-2/
15/09/19 - Unseen Magazine #7: "Eat Some Magma: Landscape in Contemporary Photography", Essay by Aaron Schuman - https://shop.unseenplatform.com/products/unseen-magazine-7
10/09/19 - Oslo Fotobok Festival 2019: Exhibitions - "Fixed On Reality: Aaron Schuman, Rafal Milach, Rona Yefman" - 12-22 September 2019 - https://www.fotobokfestivaloslo.no/exhibition/
02/09/19 - Hotshoe 333: "Aaron Schuman: SLANT" - Private View, 333 Portabello Road, London, 2nd October 2019, 7-9PM - https://www.hotshoemagazine.com
01/09/19 - The Brooklyn Rail: "Art Books: Aaron Schuman's SLANT", by Jennie Waldow, September 2019 - https://brooklynrail.org/2019/09/art_books/Aaron-Schumans-SLANT
18/08/19 - Photographic Museum of Humanity: "Embracing Compexity & Uncertainty" (featuring SLANT), curated by Heidi Romano - https://phmuseum.com/exhibition/embracing-complexity-and-uncertainty
15/08/19 - Landscape Stories #30: " Archive: featuring SLANT & FOLK, by Aaron Schuman" - http://magazine.landscapestories.net/en
15/07/19 - Collector Daily: "Aaron Schuman: SLANT", by Loring Knoblauch, 15th July 2019 - https://collectordaily.com/aaron-schuman-slant/
20/06/19 - British Journal of Photography (June 2019): "Portfolio: Aaron Schuman - SLANT", by Colin Pantall, Issue #7885 - https://www.bjp-online.com/2019/06/issue-7885/
09/06/19 - Il Foglio (Milan): "Amherst Capitale del Mondo: Aaron Schuman - SLANT", by Luca Fiore, 9th June 2019 - https://www.ilfoglio.it/cultura/
01/06/19 - Marmo Libreria (Forli): "SLANT: Artist Talk & Book Signing" + Portfolio Reviews w/ Aaron Schuman,10th June 2019 - https://www.marmolibreria.com
22/05/19 - Arnolfini (Bristol): "Art in the City: Artist Talk & Book Signing - Aaron Schuman on SLANT", 22nd May 2019, 7PM-9PM - https://www.arnolfini.org.uk/whatson/talks-aaron-schuman-art-in-the-city
19/05/19 - Photo London 2019: SLANT - Book Signing @ MACK Room with Aaron Schuman, 19th May 2019, 2PM-3PM - https://photolondon.org/exhibitors/2019-2/mack/
15/05/19 - Photoworks - "Photochat: Osessione (Notes from Italy, 2019) - Aaron Schuman & Jason Fulford", Instagram Takeover, 21-27 May 2019 - https://www.instagram.com/photoworks_uk/
13/05/19 - Poetry Foundation: "Small-Town Secrets: An Interview with Aaron Schuman on SLANT", by Sarah Rose Sharp, 13th May 2019 - https://www.poetryfoundation.org/articles/149953/small-town-secrets
11/05/19 - Micamera (Milan): "SLANT: Artist Talk & Book Signing" + "The SLANT Workshop", 11-12 May 2019 - http://www.micamera.it/event/the-slant-workshop-aaron-schuman/?lang=en
12/05/19 - American Suburb X: "Aaron Schuman: SLANT Interview", w/ Brad Feuerhelm, May 2019 - http://www.americansuburbx.com/2019/05/aaron-schuman-slant-interview.html
10/05/19 - De Staandard: "Suspicious Activity: Aaron Schuman - SLANT", 10th May 2019 - https://www.standaard.be/cnt/dmf20190509_04388667
30/04/19 - Photomonitor: "SLANT: An Interview with Aaron Schuman", w/ Ng Hui Hsien, April2019 - https://www.photomonitor.co.uk/slant-an-interview-with-aaron-schuman/
25/04/19 - The Photographers' Gallery (London): "SLANT: Book Launch, Talk & Signing", 25th April 2019 - https://bookshop.thephotographersgallery.org.uk/blogs/event-archive/
12/04/19 - Aperture: The PhotoBook Review: "Suite Venitienne: Aaron Schuman on Sophie Calle", by Aaron Schuman, Issue #016, Spring 2019 - https://aperture.org/pbr/
06/04/19 - Aperture PhotoBook Spotlight @ AIPAD - "Aaron Schuman on SLANT" - 6th April, 4:20PM - https://aperture.org/event/photobook-spotlight-aipad-2019/
05/04/19 - Printed Matter Inc. (New York) - "SLANT: Aaron Schuman in Conversation w/ Fred Ritchin" + Book Signing - 5th April 2019, 6-8PM - https://www.printedmatter.org
03/04/19 - SLANT: by Aaron Schuman - published by MACK (April 2019) - https://mackbooks.co.uk/
21/03/19 - Topic Magazine - "SLANT: Scenes from a Small-Town Crime Blotter", Issue #21, "Crime", Spring 2019 - https://www.topic.com/scenes-from-a-small-town-crime-blotter
09/03/19 - Photo Words Lab / Centro di Fotografia Indipendente - "Aaron Schuman: On Photography & Writing" Workshop + Lecture - 9-10 March 2019 - https://www.facebook.com/photowordslab/
15/02/19 - Aperture: "Nature & Politics: In Conversation with Thomas Struth", by Aaron Schuman, Issue #234 (Earth), Spring 2019-- https://aperture.org/
10/01/19 - Foam: "12 Years: Foam Talent - featuring SLANT", by Aaron Schuman, #52 (Talent 2019), Winter 2019 - https://shop.foam.org/
10/01/19 - Foam: "Salvatore Vitale: 'How to Secure a Country'", Essay by Aaron Schuman, #52 (Talent 2019), Winter 2019 - https://shop.foam.org/
19/11/18 - Jerwood / Photoworks Awards 2019 - Selection Panel (Aaron Schuman, Shoair Mavlian, Lilli Geissendorfer, etc.) - Nov-Dec. 2018 - https://photoworks.org.uk/
10/10/18 - Dittrich & Schlechtriem - "Asger Carlsen: Blistercard", Catalogue Essay by Aaron Schuman - http://www.dittrich-schlechtriem.com/publications/asger-carlsen/b-l-i-s-t-e-r-c-a-r-d/
15/09/18 - Fotogalleriet Oslo / Khartoum Contemporary (KCAC) - Public Lecture: "Terje Abusdal: Slash & Burn" by Aaron Schuman - 15th September 2018, 7PM -http://www.fotogalleriet.no
06/09/18 - Magnum Photos - "The Mask Series: Inge Morath & Saul Steinberg", Essay by Aaron Schuman, 4th September 2018 - https://www.magnumphotos.com/arts-culture/
15/07/18 - British Journal of Photography - "The Accidental Teacher: In Conversation with Jason Fulford", by Aaron Schuman, August 2018 (Education Issue) - http://www.bjp-online.com/2018/08/fulford-workshops/
23/06/18 - Nola Minolfi: The Man Who Never Saw the Sea (Exhibition @ Chamois, Italy), Curated by Aaron Schuman, 20th July - 31st August 2018 - http://www.aaronschuman.com/themanwhoneversawthesea.html
15/05/18 - Aperture Conversations: 1985-Present (Aperture, 2018) - "In Conversation with William Klein" + "In Conversation with Richard Mosse", Essays by Aaron Schuman - https://aperture.org/
14/04/18 - Magnum Photos - "Broken Manual: Alec Soth in Conversation with Aaron Schuman", by Aaron Schuman, 14th April 2018- https://www.magnumphotos.com/theory-and-practice/
10/04/18 - Royal Photographic Society: International Photo Awards 2018 - Jury Member (w/ Karen Knorr, Christiane Monarchi, Jack Latham, and Jon Tonks) - http://www.rps.org/competitions/ipe-161
08/03/18 - The Barbican - "Another Kind of Life: Larry Clark / Danny Lyon - Exhibition Tour with Aaron Schuman" -@ The Barbican Art Gallery, 8th March 2018, 7PM - https://www.barbican.org.uk/
23/02/18 - JaipurPhoto 2018 - "Homeward Bound", Curated by Aaron Schuman, (13 Exhibitions - featuring J. Fulford, T. Zelenkova, T. Abusda, A. Datto, J. MaLean, etc) .- http://www.jaipurphoto.in/
20/02/18 - Another Kind of Life: Photography on the Margins (Prestel, 2018) - featuring "Larry Clark: Tulsa" & "Danny Lyon: The Bikeriders", Essays by A. Schuman - https://prestelpublishing.randomhouse.de/
15/02/18 - British Journal of Photography - "Aaron Schuman goes Homeward Bound at this year's JaipurPhoto Festival" - http://www.bjp-online.com/2018/02/jaipurphotohome/
14/11/17 - Deichtorhallen Hamburg: House of Photography (Hamburg) - "Alec Soth: In Conversation with Aaron Schuman", 14th November 2017, 7PM - http://www.deichtorhallen.de/
08/11/17 - Aperture: The Photobook Review - "Sleeping by the Mississippi Revisited: In Conversation with Alec Soth", by Aaron Schuman, #013, Fall 2017 - http://www.aperture.org/pbr/
05/11/17 - Il Post - "SLANT: Quello che si direbbe un posto tranquillo - Photography by Aaron Schuman", 15th November 2017 - http://www.ilpost.it/2017/11/15/slant-foto-america/
03/11/17 - HOTSHOE, #200, Autumn 2017 - "Why I Hate Photography: 'The Photographer' as Depicted in Pop-Culture", by Aaron Schuman - https://www.hotshoemagazine.com/
26/10/17 - pic.London Festival 2017 - "The Professor's Office" @ Gallery SO (London) - featuring FOLK by Aaron Schuman, 26-31 Oct. 2017 - http://piclondon.org/Professor-s-Office
02/10/17 - British Journal of Photography - "Seeing leafy New England askew in Aaron Schuman's SLANT"- http://www.bjp-online.com/2017/10/schuman-slant/
25/09/17: Magnum / The Barbican (London) - "Magnum Photos Now: The Journey - Aaron Schuman, Antoine D'Agata, Matt Black", 2nd Oct. 2017, 7PM - https://www.barbican.org.uk/
05/09/17 - The Photocaptionist - "SLANT - New Porfolio & Interview with Aaron Schuman", 5th September 2017 - http://photocaptionist.com/ism/slant-interview-aaron-schuman/
04/07/17 - Cosmos PDF Award 2017 - Jury Member - Exhibition & Awards Ceremony @ Cosmos-Arles Books, Rencontres de la Photographie, Arles, 5th July 2017 - http://cosmosarlesbooks.com/pdfaward/about.php
01/06/17 - C/O Berlin Talent of the Year Award 2017: "New Documentary Photography" - Jury Member (w/ Shoair Mavlian, Tate Modern; Diane Dufour, Le Bal; Ann-Christin Bertrand, C/O Berlin) - www.co-berlin.org
16/05/17 - PhotoLondon 2017 - "This Violent Land: Diana Matar in Conversation w/ Aaron Schuman", 19th May, 6PM - http://photolondon.org/event/ft-weekend-presents-diana-matar-this-violent-land-aaron-schuman/
11/05/17 - Financial Times Magazine (PhotoLondon Issue 2017) - "Sam Contis: Deep Springs" by Aaron Schuman, 11th May 2017 - https://www.ft.com/content/a2f1e4c8-33b5-11e7-99bd-13beb0903fa3
08/05/17 - George Rodger: Nuba & Lakuta, The Colour Photographs (Prestel, 2017) - featuring Essay by Aaron Schuman - https://prestelpublishing.randomhouse.de/book/George-Rodger
18/04/17 - British Journal of Photography - "Why You Should Study a Masters Degree - Aaron Schuman, UWE Bristol", 30th April 2017- http://www.bjp-online.com/2017/04/find-a-place-you-trust
04/04/17 - Aperture - "How Soon Is Now? - Wolfgang Tillmans: 2017 @ Tate Modern", by Aaron Schuman - http://aperture.org/blog/wolfgang-tillmans/
02/02/17 - Either Limits or Contradictions, by Nick Meyer (Daylight Books, 2017) - w/ "Swimming Hole", Essay by Aaron Schuman - http://www.nickmeyerphoto.net/
24/03/17 - Magnum Photos / Barbican - "Digital Territories: Photography in the Online Environment", w/ David Alan Harvey, Anne Bourgeois Vignon, Rory Blain, & Aaron Schuman -https://www.magnumphotos.com/
20/03/17 - FOTOPUB - Aaron Schuman: Instagram Takeover - 20th-24th March 2017 - https://www.instagram.com/fotopubfestival/
18/03/17 - Observador - "FOLK: Como Aaron Schuman fez um livro que é um museu", 18th March 2017 - http://observador.pt/2017/03/18/como-aaron-schuman-fez-um-livro-que-e-um-museu/
26/02/17 - JaipurPhoto Festival 2017 - "FOLK: Ethnographic Travels Through Museum and Memory", Lecture by Aaron Schuman - http://www.jaipurphoto.in/speakers/
30/01/17 - British Journal of Photography - "Personal Archives: Aaron Schuman", March 2017 - http://www.bjp-online.com/2017/02/bjp-7857-habitat/
22/12/16 - Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation Prize 2017 - Long List Nominee: FOLK, by Aaron Schuman - http://thephotographersgallery.org.uk/deutsche-b-rse-photography-foundation-prize-2017-2
06/12/16 - Photoeye - Alec Soth's Best Books 2016 - "FOLK by Aaron Schuman" - http://blog.photoeye.com/2016/12/2016-best-books-alec-soth.html
28/11/16 - TIME - "The Best Photobooks of 2016", featuring FOLK, by Aaron Schuman (Chosen by Jason Fulford, Slides 67-68) - http://time.com/4580692/best-photobooks-2016/
25/11/16 - Photobookstore Magazine - "Rodrigo Orrantia: Photobooks of 2016", featuring FOLK, by Aaron Schuman - http://www.photobookstore.co.uk/blog/photobooks-of-2016/
23/11/16 - TIME - "The Best Photobooks of 2016", featuring ZZYZX (Chosen by Aaron Schuman, Slides 41-42) - http://time.com/4580692/best-photobooks-2016/
15/11/16 - Novokuznetsk, by Nikolay Bakharev (Stanley Barker, 2016) - Essay by Aaron Schuman - http://stanleybarker.co.uk/books/novokuznetsk/
10/11/16 - Hometowns, by John MacLean (Hunter & James, 2016) - Editorial Support and Introductory Essay by Aaron Schuman - https://www.jmaclean.co.uk/store/hometowns/
23/10/16 - FOMU (Fotomuseum Antwerp) - INDIVISIBLE: Gregory Halpern, Sam Contis, Bayeté Ross Smith, Curated by Aaron Schuman, 27th Oct.-29th Jan. 2017 - http://braakland-fomu.be/INDIVISIBLE
20/09/16 - Christie's - First Open: Photographs - Online Sale, featuring Aaron Schuman's "Bonfire, Summer Set", 20th-29th Sept. 2016 - https://onlineonly.christies.com/s/first-open-photographs-online/lots/284
31/08/16 - Unseen Magazine (2016) - "Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes", Essay by Aaron Schuman, Autumn 2016 - https://www.unseenamsterdam.com/magazine
23/07/16 - American Suburb X - "Aaron Schuman: Remote Hereditary Object-hood in FOLK", by Brad Feuerhelm - http://www.americansuburbx.com/2016/07/aaron-schuman
21/07/16 - The Photographers' Gallery - "FOLK: Aaron Schuman in Conversation with David Campany (+ Book Signing), 21st July 2016, 6-9PM - http://thephotographersgallery.org.uk/aaron-schuman-folk-3
10/07/16 - The Guardian / The Observer - "Photobook of the Month: FOLK, by Aaron Schuman", by Sean O'Hagan - https://www.theguardian.com/books/2016/jul/10/
05/07/16 - Little Brown Mushroom / Alec Soth - "Aaron Schuman's FOLK - 'favorite photobook of 2016 thus far...'" - https://www.instagram.com/p/BHXEyxhBHQG/?taken-by=littlebrownmushroom&hl=en
04/07/16 - FOTOPUB - Portfolio Prize / Portfolio Review, w/ Bruno Ceschel, Federica Chiocchetti, Aaron Schuman (Head Juror) and others, 5th-7th August 2016 - http://fotopub.com/portfolio-review
01/07/16 - PRIZE Editions - "Twice: In Conversation with Zoe Ghertner" by Aaron Schuman - http://prize-editions.com
17/06/16 -
It's Nice That - "June Things - featuring FOLK, by Aaron Schuman" - http://www.itsnicethat.com/articles/things-june-170616
16/06/16 - FOLK - by Aaron Schuman, published by NB Books, May 2016 - http://www.nbbooks.co.uk/001-folk.html
19/05/16 - National Media Museum: "Alec Soth: Somewhere to Disappear" - Aaron Schuman, Tim Clark & Paul Herrmann in Conversation, 13th June 2016, 6PM - http://www.nationalmediamuseum.org.uk/
19/05/16 - HOTSHOE, #196, Summer 2016 - "Don McCullin - Extended Interview", by Aaron Schuman - http://www.hotshoeinternational.com/issues/196
13/05/16 - Riga Photomonth 2016 - "MIXTAPE" (Curated by Aaron Schuman), featuring Salvatore Vitale, Ulrike Schmitz, Emanuele Camerini, Ieva Raudsepa, Merlin Nadj-Torma" - http://www.issp.lv/
12/04/16 - PORT Magazine, Issue #18: "The Board: Director Mike Hodges" - photographs by Aaron Schuman - http://www.port-magazine.com
15/03/16 - HOTSHOE, #195, Spring 2016 - "Hannah Starkey - In Conversation", by Aaron Schuman - http://www.hotshoeinternational.com/issues/195
20/02/16 - Aperture: #222, Spring 2016 - "Eurasia:Taiyo Onorato & Nico Krebs", by Aaron Schuman - http://aperture.org/shop/aperture-222-magazine
04/02/16 - The Photographers' Gallery (London) - "The Document - Co-Curate Launch/Discussion w/ Esther Teichmann, Christopher Stewart, Melinda Gibson, etc. - http://thephotographersgallery.org.uk/
01/02/16 - Co-Curate Magazine, Issue #1: "The Document" - co-edited by Aaron Schuman & Isabelle Evertse - http://cargocollective.com/cocuratemagazine
15/01/16 - TIME: "Gus Powell's The Lonely Ones" by Aaron Schuman - http://time.com/4171565/see-how-gus-powell-experimented-with-words-and-images/
30/12/15 - Hauser & Wirth - "Qwaypurlake", featuring works from Aaron Schuman's Summer Set, 15th Nov. 2015 - 31st Jan. 2016 - http://www.hauserwirth.com/
08/12/15 - Photo-Eye: "Best Books 2015: Aaron Schuman" - http://blog.photoeye.com/2015/12/best-books-2015-aaron-schuman.html?m=1
15/11/15 - Media Space @ The Science Museum (London): "Alec Soth: Gathered Leaves - Talk & Tour by Aaron Schuman" - http://www.sciencemuseum.org.uk/
12/11/15 - TIME: "TIME Picks the Best Photobooks of 2015" (pp. 5-6) - featuring picks by Aaron Schuman, Alec Soth, Martin Parr, Susan Bright, etc. - http://time.com/4097317/best-photobooks-2015/
08/11/15 - Photoworks / Jerwood Photo Award 2015 - Portfolio Walk, 7th Dec. 2015, w/ Aaron Schuman, Bruno Ceschel, Lucy Moore, etc. - http://photoworks.org.uk/project-news/portfolio-walk-7-december-2015/
02/11/15 - The Photographers' Gallery (London): "Bill Henson: In Conversation with Aaron Schuman", 18th Nov. 2015, 6:30pm - http://thephotographersgallery.org.uk/bill-henson
25/10/15 - Alec Soth: Gathered Leaves (published by MACK, 2015) - Texts by Aaron Schuman - http://mackbooks.co.uk/books/1094-Gathered-Leaves.html
20/10/15 - Photo-Eye: "Book of the Week: A Pick by Aaron Schuman - Gus Powell's The Lonely Ones" - http://blog.photoeye.com/2015/10/book-of-week-pick-by-aaron-schuman.html
10/10/15 - Fotomuseum Winterthur: "EURASIA - In Conversation with Taiyo Onorato & Nico Krebs" (Exhibition Catalogue), by Aaron Schuman - http://www.fotomuseum.ch/
01/10/15 - Hotshoe Magazine - "Opening the Sky: In Conversation w/ Larry Fink", Interview by Aaron Schuman, #193, Autumn 2015 - http://www.hotshoeinternational.com/
15/09/15 - Christie's (New York) - "First Exposure", featuring works by Aaron Schuman, 22nd Sept. - 1 Oct. 2015 - http://www.christies.com/
31/08/15 - Aperture: #220, Fall 2015 - "The Interview Issue: WILLIAM KLEIN'", Interview by Aaron Schuman - http://aperture.org/shop/aperture-220-magazine
16/08/15 - Vision Anew (published by University of California Press, ed. C. Traub & Adam Bell, 2015) - "Point Taken: In Conversation with Trevor Paglen", Essay by Aaron Schuman - http://www.ucpress.edu/
30/07/15 - Foam Magazine #42: The Talent Issue 2015 - "Sense / Senso - David Favrod's Hikari", Essay by Aaron Schuman - http://shop.foam.org/en/
15/05/15 - Christie's (King Street, London) - "British Modern & Contemporary Photography", featuring works by Aaron Schuman, 12-21 May 2015 - http://www.christies.com/
06/04/15 - Frieze Magazine - "Construction Sight", Essay by Aaron Schuman, Issue #170, April 2015 - http://www.frieze.com/issue/article/construction-sight/
01/04/15 - Jerwood / Photoworks Awards 2015 - Core Mentors Announced: Aaron Schuman, Gillian Wearing, Elinor Carucci, Elizabeth Edwards - http://photoworks.org.uk/
25/03/15 - ISSP International Masterclasses - "Labyrinth: Exploring Photographic Paths", Masterclass with Aaron Schuman, March 2015-March 2016 - http://www.isspmasterclass.com
10/03/15 - FOTOPUB Festival 2015 - Portfolio Reviews, with Aaron Schuman, Taiyo Onorato, Karen McQuaid, Salvatore Vitale and more - http://fotopub.com
08/03/15 - Hotshoe Magazine - "Songbook: In Conversation with Alec Soth", Interview by Aaron Schuman, Issue #191, March 2015 - http://www.hotshoeinternational.com/issues/191/portfolios/alec-soth-songbook
07/03/15 - Hotshoe Magazine - "Studio 54: In Conversation w/ Tod Papageorge", Interview by Aaron Schuman, #191, March 2015 - http://www.hotshoeinternational.com/
04/02/15 - Photoworks - "Dancing with Ourselves: Alec Soth's Songbook and More", Essay by Aaron Schuman, February 2015 - http://photoworks.org.uk/dancing/
21/01/15 - Frieze Magazine - "Both Ways: In Conversation with Viviane Sassen", Interview by Aaron Schuman, Issue #168, January 2015 - http://www.frieze.com/issue/article/both-ways/
12/12/14 - 1000 Words Magazine, Issue #18 - "Storyteller: The Photographs of Duane Michals (Excerpt)", Essay by Aaron Schuman - http://www.1000wordsmag.com
02/12/14 - TIME Lightbox - "Best Photobooks of 2014: This Equals That, by Jason Fulford and Tamara Shopsin", Essay by Aaron Schuman- http://time.com/3602554/best-photobooks-2014/
27/11/14 - Aperture: #217, Winter 2014 - "Iris Garden: John Cage, William Gedney and Alec Soth'", Essay by Aaron Schuman - http://aperture.org/shop/aperture-217-magazine
19/11/14 - The Photographers' Gallery (London) - "Studio 54: Tod Papageorge & Aaron Schuman In Conversation", 19th Nov. 2014, 6PM - http://thephotographersgallery.org.uk/
15/11/14 - Hotshoe Magazine, #190, Winter 2014 - "Little League: In Conversation with Mark Steinmetz", Interview by Aaron Schuman - http://www.hotshoeinternational.com/
10/11/14 - PIK Magazine, #7 - "Aaron Schuman: FOLK" (Feature), Portfolio by Aaron Schuman - http://www.pikmagazine.com/
10/11/14 - PIK Magazine, #7 - Aaron Schuman, signing at Polycopies/ParisPhoto Book Fair, 14th Nov. 2014, 1PM - http://www.pikmagazine.com/
20/10/14 - Storyteller: The Photographs of Duane Michals (published by Prestel, 2014),"Lessons Learned: Three Encounters...", Essay by Aaron Schuman - http://www.randomhouse.de/book/
01/10/14 - Photoworks , Issue #21: Collaboration, "In Conversation with Jan von Holleben" Interview by Aaron Schuman - http://photoworks.org.uk/projects/issue-21-photoworks-annual/
22/09/14 - Pieter Hugo: This Must Be the Place (published by Centro Atlántico de Arte Moderno, 2014) - featuring "The Beholder", Essay by Aaron Schuman - http://www.caam.net/en/140911_pieterhugo.htm
15/09/14 - Hotshoe Magazine, #189, Autumn 2014 - "FOLK", Portfolio by Aaron Schuman - http://hotshoemagazine.com/issues/189/portfolios/aaron-schuman-folk
02/09/14 - Yola Monakhov: "Fields of Inquiry" (featuring Introductory Text by Aaron Schuman) @ Alice Austen House, New York. 21st Sept. - 28th December 2014 - http://aliceausten/org/exhibitions
15/08/14 - Format International Photo Festival 2015 - Exposure Award: Jury Members: Aaron Schuman, Erik Kessels, W. M. Hunt, Tim Clark, Louise Clements, Enrico Bossan etc. - http://www.formatfestival.com
01/08/14 -The Photographer's Playbook (published by Aperture, 2014), ed. by J. Fulford and G. Halpern - 'Nostalgia', Essay by Aaron Schuman - http://aperture.org/shop/the-photographer-s-playbook-books
12/07/14 - The Photographers' Gallery - Portfolio Reviews, 12th July 2014, 10AM-8PM (Aaron Schuman: Reviewer) - http://thephotographersgallery.org.uk/portfolio-reviews-2
11/07/14 - "FOLK: A Personal Ethnography" - by Aaron Schuman (Solo Exhibition), The Ethnographic Museum in Krakow, 16th May - 17th August 2014 - http://etnomuzeum.eu/
10/07/14 - Fell Arts - "Before Art Photography There Was The Art of Photography", Installation by Aaron Schuman in "Pressed Up To An Ear" (Exhibition), 10th-14th July 2014 - http://fell.org.uk
10/07/14 - "Creative Curatorial Practice", Lecture by Aaron Schuman, @ APHE Conference 2014, 10th-11th July 2014 - http://aphe.ac.uk
21/06/14 - Paper Journal - featuring "The Sphinx", by Aaron Schuman and Andra Simons - http://paper-journal.com/aaron-schuman-andra-simons-the-sphinx/
12/06/14 - ArtNet - "Frenzy of Photography Takes Over Krakow" (Review of Krakow Photomonth 2014, curated by Aaron Schuman) - http://news.artnet.com/
02/06/14 - FK Magazine - "Interview with Aaron Schuman", by Evita Goze - http://fkmagazine.lv/2014/06/02/interview-with-aaron-schuman/
27/05/14 - British Journal of Photography - "How was it for you? Aaron Schuman's Krakow Photomonth 2014 is well worth a look", by Diane Smyth - http://www.bjp-online.com/
26/05/14 - Foam Magazine - Instagram Takover, 27th May - 1st June 2014, by Aaron Schuman - http://instagram.com/foam_magazine
16/05/14 - Lens Culture - Interview with Aaron Schuman, "Insider's View: Festival Curator Aaron Schuman talks about Krakow Photomonth 2014" - https://www.lensculture.com/
15/05/14 - Krakow Photomonth 2014: RE:SEARCH (9 Exhibitions, Events, Reviews and more), Curated by Aaron Schuman - 15th May-15th June 2014 -http://2014.photomonth.com/en
12/05/14 - SeeSaw Magazine, Issue #18: featuring Max Pinckers, Peter B. Leighton, Adam J. Long, Maisie Cousins, Jure Kastelic, David La Spina, and more
- www.seesawmagazine.com
22/04/14 - Aperture - The Photobook Review - 'An Open Book: In Conversation with Todd Hido', #006, Spring 2014 - http://www.aperture.org/pbr/
15/03/14 - Hungry Still (Slideluck London / QUAD, 2014) - featuring 'Once Upon a Time in the West' + Accompanying Recipes, by Aaron Schuman - http://slideluck.com/hungry-still/
05/03/14 - TIME Lightbox - 'Absurd Fabrication: Fictionalizing Photographer Joan Fontcuberta', by Aaron Schuman - http://lightbox.time.com/2014/03/05/joan-fontcuberta-photography/#1
01/03/14 -
Hotshoe Magazine, #187, Winter 2014 - 'I Lied: In Conversation with Aaron McElroy', by Aaron Schuman - http://hotshoemagazine.com/issues/187/portfolios/aaron-mcelroy-i-lied
10/01/14 - FotoFest 2014 Biennial - International Portfolio Reviews, 20-23 March, 2014 (Aaron Schuman, Reviewer) - http://www.fotofest.org/2014biennial/portfolioreview/reviewers/session2/
27/11/13 - TIME's 'Best of 2013: Photobooks We Love: Taryn Simon's "Birds of the West Indies"', by Aaron Schuman - http://lightbox.time.com/2013/11/25/time-picks-the-best-photobooks-of-2013/#39
02/11/13 - Photoworks: "Family Politics: Elinor Carucci's Eden Peeking", Essay by Aaron Schuman - http://photoworks.org.uk/
28/10/13 - Hotshoe International: #186, October/November 2013 - "'New York Arbor': In Conversation with Mitch Epstein" - http://www.hotshoeinternational.com/
18/10/13 - Wallpaper*: "Fertile Ground: Hauser + Wirth Somerset", Photographs by Aaron Schuman -http://www.wallpaper.com
16/09/13 - SeeSaw Magazine, Issue #17: featuring Bryan Schutmaat, Brad Feuerhelm, Ben Alper, Martin Kollar, MJR, Louis Porter, Klaus Pilcher, and more
- www.seesawmagazine.com
01/09/13 - TIME: Lightbox - 'Yola Monakhov's "Tableaux (I)"- The Art of Authenticity', by Aaron Schuman -http://lightbox.time.com/2013/08/22/the-art-of-authenticity-yola-monakhovs-tableaux/#1
05/08/13 - Photoworks: 'The Hunt for Richard Schaeffer' (for the series, 'The Ones That Got Away"), by Aaron Schuman - http://photoworks.org.uk/aaron-schuman-on-richard-schaeffer/
15/07/13 - Aaron Schuman: Chief Curator, Krakow Photomonth Festival 2014 (Announcement) - http://www.aperture.org/blog/interview-with-karol-hordziej-director-of-krakow-photomonth/
05/06/13 - TIME: Lightbox - 'Nelli Palomaki - "Breathing the Same Air"', by Aaron Schuman - http://lightbox.time.com/2013/06/05/breathing-the-same-air-nelli-palomakis-portraits-of-children/#1
01/06/13 - Krakow Photomonth Festival 2013 - International Portfolio Reviews (with Aaron Schuman, Oliver Chanarin, Marc Feustel, Inaki Domingo, etc.) - http://www.new.photomonth.com/en
15/05/13 - Aperture: The Photobook Review, #04, Spring/Summer 2013 - 'Review: Maurizio Cattelan's Toilet Paper', by Aaron Schuman - http://www.aperture.org/pbr/
01/05/13 - C-Photo: Observed (Ivory Press, 2013) - 'Photograms of Wildcats and Screengrabs of Strippers' Essay by Aaron Schuman - http://www.ivorypress.com/cphoto/en/issue/observed
20/04/13 - Sony World Photography Awards - 'Photography & Fine Art', Panel Discussion featuring W.M. Hunt, Aaron Schuman, Brandi Estes, Charlie Fellowes, etc. - http://www.worldphoto.org/
14/04/13 - Daylight Digital: #002, Spring 2013 - '"The Afronauts" and More: In Conversation with Cristina de Middel', by Aaron Schuman - http://daylightdigital.com/editions
06/03/13 - Photocinema: The Creative Edges of Photography and Film (Intellect, 2013) - Portfolio & Interview with Aaron Schuman - http://www.intellectbooks.co.uk/
10/02/13 - Aperture: #210, Spring 2013 - "Jason Evans: 'NYLPT'" - by Aaron Schuman - http://www.aperture.org/shop/magazine/aperture-208
20/01/13 - FlakPhoto.com - "Tall Poppy Syndrome: In Conversation w/ Amy Stein & Stacy Mehrfar", by Aaron Schuman - http://flakphoto.com/content/tall-poppy-syndrome-amy-stein-stacy-arezou-mehrfar
12/01/13 - Hotshoe International: #182, February/March 2013 - "'Grays...': In Conversation with Bryan Schutmaat" - http://www.hotshoeinternational.com/
24/12/12 - TIME's 'Best of 2012: The Photobooks We Love - Paul Graham's "The Present"', by Aaron Schuman - http://lightbox.time.com/2012/12/24/times-best-of-2012-the-photobooks-we-loved/#42
06/12/12 - Photo-Eye: 'The Best Books of 2012 - Aaron Schuman' - http://www.photoeye.com/magazine_admin/index.cfm/bestbooks.2012.list/author_id/99/
10/11/12 - LensCulture FotoFest Paris 2012 - International Portfolio Reviews, 12-14 Nov., 2012 (Aaron Schuman, Reviewer) - http://fotofest-paris.com/
06/11/12 - 'postSCRIPT', curated by Peggy Sue Amison - group show featuring 'Jason Is a Funghi', by Aaron Schuman, 19th-30th Nov. 2012 - http://there-there-aphotographicevent.tumblr.com/
01/11/12 - MiniClick at The Fringe - 'Laura Pannack: In Conversation with Aaron Schuman', 6th Nov. 2012, Brighton Photo Fringe - http://miniclickatthefringe.wordpress.com/
18/10/12 -
The Photographers' Gallery - 'Photography Collectives: Aaron Schuman and Andre Penteado in Conversation', 18th Oct. 2012, 18:30 - http://thephotographersgallery.org.uk/
15/10/12 - Hotshoe International: #180, October/November 2012 - "Pieter Hugo: There's a Place in Hell for Me and My Friends" - http://www.hotshoeinternational.com/
02/10/12 - The Photograph as Contemporary Art, by Melinda Gibson - 'Foreword' by Aaron Schuman - http://www.melindagibson.blogspot.co.uk/
25/09/12 - Unseen Amsterdam Book 2012, First Edition (Catalogue): 'The Unseen', Essay by Aaron Schuman - http://www.unseenamsterdam.com/
06/09/12 - Houston Center of Photography - 'In Appropriation: Broomberg & Chanarin, M. Gibson, S. Kurtis, E. Teichmann, M. Wolf', Curated by Aaron Schuman - http://hcponline.org/
22/08/12 - Aperture: #208, Fall 2012 - "Thomas Barrow's 'Cancellations'" - by Aaron Schuman - http://www.aperture.org/shop/magazine/aperture-208
09/08/12 - Hotshoe International : #179, August/September 2012 - "Picturing the South: In Conversation with Shane Lavalette" - http://www.hotshoeinternational.com/
26/07/12 - The New Statesman: The London Issue (July 2012) -"Natalie (Black Beauty Be), Dalston, 2012", Photograph by Aaron Schuman - http://www.newstatesman.com/
13/07/12 - Flowers East (London): featuring 'Redwoods', by Aaron Schuman, in 'Uncommon Ground', 13th July-1st Sept. 2012 - http://www.flowersgallery.com/
05/07/12 - Alec Soth: Google Hangout Masterclass with Photography Experts' (series curated by Aaron Schuman) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-IWm_utIyU
20/06/12 - FOAM Magazine: #31 - 'Viktoria Binschtok's "Suspicious Minds"', Essay by Aaron Schuman - http://www.foammagazine.nl/
15/05/12 - Aperture: #207, Summer 2012 - "The Mushroom Collector: In Conversation with Jason Fulford" - by Aaron Schuman - http://aperture.org/
22/04/12 - Pieter Hugo: This Must Be the Place - Selected Works (Prestel, 2012) - Essay by Aaron Schuman - http://www.randomhouse.de/prestel
24/04/12 - 'Susan Bright: Google Hangout Masterclass with Photography Experts' (series curated by Aaron Schuman) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=308_My7_5gY
15/03/12 - 'Martin Parr: Google Hangout Masterclass with Photography Experts' (series curated by Aaron Schuman) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2eKF5HQgyE
28/02/12 - Photographs Not Taken: A Collection of Photographers' Essays, Edited by Will Steacy (Daylight, 2012) - Essay by Aaron Schuman - http://www.daylightmagazine.org/
25/02/12 - Hyeres Festival 2012 - Photography Jury (Aaron Schuman, Jury Member) - http://www.villanoailles-hyeres.com/hyeres2012/
14/02/12 - 'Elinor Carucci: Google Hangout Masterclass with Photography Experts' (series curated by Aaron Schuman) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7WMpM4Vjfk
19/02/12 - 'On Perfection: An Artists' Symposium" @ Whitechapel Gallery, London, 2-3 February 2012 (Aaron Schuman, Speaker) - http://www.whitechapelgallery.org/
02/02/12 - Aperture: #206, Spring 2012 - "Viviane Sassen: 'Parasomnia'" - by Aaron Schuman - http://aperture.org/
01/02/12 - Spot Magazine, Spring 2012 - 'On Redwoods, Spaghetti Westerns, and Other American Myths: Interview with Aaron Schuman' - http://spot.hcponline.org/
26/01/12 - TANK Magazine, Issue #55, Spring 2012 - "Portrait: Andre Vida" (Photograph by Aaron Schuman) - http://tankmagazine.com/issue-55/talk/andre-vida
27/12/11 - FOTOFEST 2010 Biennial - International Portfolio Reviews, 16-19 March, 2012 (Aaron Schuman, Reviewer) - http://www.fotofest.org/2012biennial/
09/12/11 - FOAM Magazine: #29 / WHAT'S NEXT - 'PORTFOLIO: SeeSaw Magazine, Issue 14.5 - M. Schmelling, R. Misrach. R. Mosse, M. Power + more' - http://www.foammagazine.nl/
05/11/11 - Aperture: #205, Winter 2011 - "Review: Taryn Simon's 'A Living Man Declared Dead...' @ Tate Modern" - by Aaron Schuman - http://aperture.org/
22/10/11 - LensCulture FotoFest Paris 2011 - International Portfolio Reviews, 7-9 Nov., 2011 (Aaron Schuman, Reviewer) - http://fotofest-paris.com/
01/10/11 - 'Other I: Alec Soth, WassinkLundgren, Viviane Sassen', Curated by Aaron Schuman @ Hotshoe Gallery (11th Oct. - 27th Nov.) - http://www.hotshoegallery.com/
08/09/11 - Flash Forward Festival 2011 (Toronto) - '2011 Group Show', Aaron Schuman: Juror and Co-Curator - http://magentafoundation.org/books/flash-forward-2011/
15/08/11 - 'Michael Grieve in Conversation with Aaron Schuman' @ Daniel Blau Gallery (London), 6th September, 7PM - http://www.danielblau.com/london/
06/06/11 - SeeSaw Magazine, Issue #14: featuring Jim Goldberg, Le Soleil Moribond, Charlotte Cotton, Murray Ballard, Jorg Colberg, Andres Gonzalez and more
- www.seesawmagazine.com
01/06/11 - Hijacked #3 (Big City Press): Hijacked Photographer of the Week,"from Wolf S.", by Aaron Schuman - http://bigcitypress.blogspot.com/
21/05/11 - Flash Forward Festival 2010 (Boston) - '2010 Group Show' - curated Aaron Schuman, MaryAnn Camilerri, and Myrabelle Charlebois - http://www.flashforwardfestival.com/
20/05/11 - 1000 Words Magazine - Vivian Maier: In Coversation with John Maloof', Interview by Aaron Schuman - http://www.1000wordsmag.com/
14/05/11 - Photographers' Gallery: Social - 'Online vs. Print: Aaron Schuman and John Wyatt-Clarke', 23rd May 2011, 7PM - http://www.photonet.org.uk/index.php?pvid=1263
29/04/11 - Aperture: #203, Summer 2011 - "Sublime Proximity: In Conversation with Richard Mosse" - by Aaron Schuman - http://aperture.org/
15/03/11 - FOAM Magazine: What's Next #2 - 'Discussion: Aaron Schuman & Charlotte Cotton'- http://www.foam.org/whatsnext
05/03/11 - FORMAT International Photography Festival - Right Here Right Now: Portfolio Reviewer- http://www.formatfestival.com/
03/02/11 - Hotshoe International : #171, April/May 2011 - 'Past Perfect: In Conversation with Jason Larkin"' - http://www.hotshoeinternational.com/
10/01/11 - Saatchi Gallery: 'New Directions: Charlotte Cotton, Anne Hardy, Aaron Schuman, and Clarisse D'Arcimoles', 17th Jan. 2011, 7:30PM - http://www.saatchi-gallery.co.uk/photo/
15/12/10 - Next Level Projects (London): 'Patrick Hari: "Harmonia & Concordia" - In Coversation with Aaron Schuman', 19th Jan. 2010, 6PM - http://nextlevelprojects.org/
22/11/10 - Jason Fulford's The Mushroom Collection (Amsterdam): 'Jason Is a Fun Guy (Funghi)', Lecture/Postcards by Aaron Schuman, 13 Dec. 2010 - http://www.thesooninstitute.com/tmc/
14/11/10 - HOST Gallery (London): 'Pieces of a Song', (featuring 'Checkpoint' by Aaron Schuman), 1-22 December, 2010 - http://www.hostgallery.co.uk/
02/11/10 - FOAM Magazine: #25 - 'Exemplary Frailty - James Griffioen's "Feral Houses"', Essay by Aaron Schuman - http://www.foammagazine.nl/
29/10/10 - Aperture: #201, Winter 2010 - "Review: Exposed - Voyuerism, Surveillance and the Camera @ TateModern " - by Aaron Schuman - http://aperture.org/
22/10/10 - 1000 Words Magazine - 'Thud: The Photographs of Andrew Bruce ', Interview by Aaron Schuman - http://www.1000wordsmag.com/
17/10/10 -
HOST Gallery (London): Richard Mosse in Conversation with Aaron Schuman, 11th November, 2010, 7PM - http://www.foto8.com/
12/10/10 - Hotshoe International : #169, Dec./Jan. 2011 - 'Review: Alec Soth's "From Here to There"' - http://www.hotshoeinternational.com/
08/09/10 - LensCulture FotoFest Paris 2010 - International Portfolio Reviews, 15-17 Nov., 2010 (Aaron Schuman, Reviewer) - http://fotofest-paris.com/
11/08/10 - Flash Forward Festival 2010 (Toronto) - '2010 Group Show' - curated Aaron Schuman, MaryAnn Camilerri, and Myrabelle Charlebois - http://www.flashforwardfestival.com/
27/07/10 - SeeSaw Magazine, Summer 2010 - featuring Paul Graham, Julie Cockburn, Aaron Louis Fowler, EJ Major, Ben Quinton and more
- www.seesawmagazine.com
24/07/10 - Aperture: #200, Fall 2010 - "Mike Mandel: The Baseball-Photographer Trading Cards" - by Aaron Schuman - http://aperture.org/
22/07/10 - Hotshoe International : #168, October/November 2010 - 'In Conversation with Garry Fabian Miller' - http://www.hotshoeinternational.com/
21/07/10 - British Journal of Photography, August 2010 - 'Lee Friedlander: "America by Car"' - by Aaron Schuman- http://www.bjp-online.com/
15/06/10 - PhotoIreland Festival 2010: featuring SeeSaw Magazine (Video Projection, curated by Moritz Neumuller) - http://www.photoireland.org/2010/
29/05/10 - FOAM Magazine: #23 / CITY LIFE - 'Otto Snoek: Money Drunk' - http://www.foammagazine.nl/
20/04/10 - Aperture: #199, Summer 2010 - "The Knight's Move: In Conversation with Paul Graham" - by Aaron Schuman - http://aperture.org/
18/04/10 - Photomonth Krakow 2010: 'The Open Door: Contemporary Photography in the UK' (Lecture), 8th May 2010, 3PM - http://www.photomonth.com/
15/04/10 - KIM: Museum of Contemporary Art, Riga (Latvia): 'Once Upon a Time in the West' by Aaron Schuman (Riga: Month of American Culture), 16th April - 9th May 2010 - www.kim.lv
10/02/10 - FOTOFEST 2010 Biennial: Lecture: 'Whatever Was Splendid - New American Photographs', 17th April 2010, 7PM -
10/02/10 - FOTOFEST 2010 Biennial: Workshop: ' An Aesthetics of Nostalgia' @ ISSV, 17th-18th April, 2010 -
10/04/10 - Hotshoe International : #165, April/May 2010 - 'NLFaNE: An Interview with Anna Fox' - http://www.hotshoeinternational.com/
19/03/10 - FOAM Magazine: #22 / PEEPING - 'How I Wonder What You Are: Trevor Paglen' - http://www.foammagazine.nl/
10/02/10 - FOTOFEST 2010 Biennial: 'Whatever Was Splendid: New American Photographs', curated by Aaron Schuman, 12th March - 25th April, 2010 - http://www.fotofest.org/
10/02/10 - FOTOFEST 2010 Biennial: Curatorial Dialogue: Aaron Schuman with Madeline Yale, 14th March 2010 (Doubletree Hotel Houston Downtown)
10/02/10 - FOTOFEST 2010 Biennial: FotoFest Workshop: Beyond Print: Creative Communications in the Digital Age, 16th March 2010 (Doubletree Hotel Houston Downtown)
10/02/10 - FOTOFEST 2010 Biennial: 'Whatever Was Splendid' in Contemporary U.S. Photography (Amsterdam: Schilt Publishing, 2010) - http://www.schiltpublishing.com/
02/02/10 - Aperture: #198, Spring 2010 - "Review: 'Ishimoto Yasuhiro', at MFAH, Houston " - by Aaron Schuman - http://aperture.org/
01/02/10 -
HOST Gallery (London): Zed Nelson in Conversation with Aaron Schuman, 10th February, 2010, 7PM - http://www.hostgallery.co.uk/
29/01/10 - Dazed & Confused: #182, February 2010 - 'Ice House Detroit' - http://www.dazeddigital.com/
22/01/10 - Hotshoe International : #164, February/March 2010 - 'The In-Between - Edgar Martins: When Light Casts No Shadow' - http://www.hotshoeinternational.com/
02/01/10 - FOAM Album 09 (published by Fotografiemusem Amsterdam, 2009) - featuring 'Checkpoint', by Aaron Schuman - http://www.foam.nl/index.php?pageId=1040
20/12/09 - Hotshoe International : #163, December/January 2010 - 'All of Me: Interview with Ellinor Carucci' - http://www.hotshoeinternational.com/
15/12/09 - FOAM Magazine: #21 / MERGE - 'Painting by Memory: Gunnel Wahlstrand' - http://www.foammagazine.nl/
01/11/09 - Architectural Association (London) - 'Projected Landscapes' (group show featuring Aaron Schuman) - 7th Nov.-12th Dec. 2009 - http://www.aaschool.ac.uk/
22/10/09 - Photoworks : #13, Autumn 2009 - 'Yuji Obata: Wintertale', by Aaron Schuman - http://www.photoworksuk.org/
14/10/09 - SeeSaw Magazine, Autumn '09 - featuring Bill Jacobson, John Baldessari, David Ellison, Victoria Jenkins, Seba Kurtis and more
- www.seesawmagazine.com
12/10/09 - Hotshoe International : #162, October/November 2009 - 'Pure Beauty: Interview with John Baldessari' - http://www.hotshoeinternational.com/
01/10/09 - Permanent Gallery (Brighton, UK): 'Itchy Scratchy', curated by Jason Evans (featuring Aaron Schuman) - http://www.permanentgallery.com/
09/09/09 - FOAM Magazine: #20 / TALENT - 'Once Upon a Time In the West', photographs by Aaron Schuman - http://www.foammagazine.nl/
01/09/09 - Conscientious: 'Once Upon a Time In the West: A Conversation with Aaron Schuman' - http://jmcolberg.com/weblog/2009/09
12/08/09 - Hotshoe International : #161, August/September 2009 - 'Love Will Tear Us Apart: Interview with Zed Nelson' - http://www.hotshoeinternational.com/
18/07/09 - Words Without Pictures (by Alex Klein, published by LACMA, 2009) - includes excerpts from 'Q&A: Aaron Schuman' - http://www.wordswithoutpictures.org/
01/06/09 - FOTOFEST 2010 Biennial : 'Contemporary U.S. Photography' - Curator, Principal Exhibition (March-Apirl 2010, Houston, TX) - http://www.fotofest.org/biennial2010/
10/05/09 - The Magenta Foundation: Flash Forward 2009 - 'Once Upon a Time in the West' (UK Winner / Featured Portfolio) - http://www.magentafoundation.org/
22/04/09 - 8 Magazine: #25, Summer 2009 - 'Once Upon a Time in the West' (Featured Portfolio) - http://www.foto8.com/
15/04/09 - Photoworks: Spring 2009 - 'The Daily Nice - In Conversation with Jason Evans', by Aaron Schuman - http://www.photoworksuk.org/
08/04/09 - Hotshoe International : #159, April/May 2009 - 'Once Upon a Time in the West' - http://www.hotshoeinternational.com/
15/03/09 - HOST Gallery (London): 'Once Upon a Time in the West' by Aaron Schuman (Solo Exhibition), 14th April - 9th May 2009 - http://www.hostgallery.co.uk/
10/03/09 - The Photographers' Gallery (London): 7PM, 21st March 2009 - 'In Conversation with Tod Papageorge - Aaron Schuman' - http://www.photonet.org.uk/
05/03/09 - FORMAT International Photography Festival - PhotoCinema (Catalogue): 'Bill's Place - William Eggleston and Film' - http://www.formatfestival.com/
02/03/09 - Hotshoe International : #158, February/March 2009 - "William Eggleston: Democratic Camera, 1961-2008" - http://www.hotshoeinternational.com/
15/01/09 - FORMAT International Photography Festival: 'Once Upon a Time in the West' @ Derby Art Gallery, 6th March - 5th April 2009 - http://www.formatfestival.com/
20/12/08 - FOAM Magazine: #17 / 'Portrait?' - 'Life Before Death: Walter Schels and Beate Lakotta', by Aaron Schuman - http://www.foammagazine.nl/
07/12/08 - 1000 Words Magazine - 'TV Guide: Mathieu Bernard-Reymond's TV', by Aaron Schuman - http://www.1000wordsmag.com/
25/11/08 - Foto8: Story of the Week - 'Once Upon a Time in the West', by Aaron Schuman - http://www.foto8.com/
12/11/08 - Flak Photo: Photo of the Day - 'Once Upon a Time in the West', by Aaron Schuman - http://www.flakphoto.com/archives/6333_1646490288/314696
01/11/08 - The Photographers' Gallery (London): 6th Nov. 2008 - 'Photography & the Internet: A Discussion with Aaron Schuman and Jason Evans' - http://www.photonet.org.uk/
15/10/08 - SCOPE Art Fair, London (Saatchi): 16th-19th October 2008 - featuring "Once Upon a Time in the West", by Aaron Schuman - http://www.saatchi-gallery.co.uk/blogon/
10/10/08 - Aperture: #193, Winter 2008 - "Review: 'Chemises by Malick Sidibe', at FOAM, Amsterdam" - by Aaron Schuman - http://aperture.org/
02/10/08 - Hotshoe International : #156, October/November 2008 - "Interview with Erwin Olaf" - http://www.hotshoeinternational.com/
12/09/08 - Guernica Magazine: September 2008 - "Once Upon a Time in the West" - Photographs by Aaron Schuman - http://www.guernicamag.com/art/717/once_upon_a_time/
11/09/09 - 1000 Words - "Once Upon a Time in the West" - Photographs by Aaron Schuman - http://1000wordsphotographymagazine.blogspot.com/2008/09/aaron-schuman.html
02/09/08 - FOAM: Fotografiemuseum Amsterdam - "Pieter Hugo: The Hyena and Other Men" (Accompanying Essay for Exhibition) - http://www.foam.nl/
29/08/08 - Aperture: #192, Fall 2008 - "Review: 'American Work' by Mitch Epstein, at FOAM, Amsterdam" - by Aaron Schuman - http://aperture.org/
10/05/08 - British Journal of Photography, 29th August 2008- "'No Love Lost' by Michael Grieve" - http://www.bjp-online.com/
07/08/08 - Conscientious - "Once Upon a Time in the West" - Photographs by Aaron Schuman - http://www.jmcolberg.com/weblog/2008/08/aaron_schuman.html
07/06/08 - OjodePez Magazine: Issue #13 - Guest Editor, Aaron Schuman: 'This Land Was Made for You and Me' - http://www.ojodepez.org/
01/06/08 - Rhubarb-Rhubarb - Aaron Schuman (Editor, SeeSaw Magazine),
Reviewer @ Rhubarb-Rhubarb '08 - 2nd-3rd August, 2008 - www.rhubarb-rhubarb.net
17/05/08 - PhotoMonth Krakow 2008 (Catalogue) - 'Time, Time, Time is on My Side', Essay by Aaron Schuman - http://www.photomonth.com/
10/05/08 - British Journal of Photography, 14th May 2008- "Parallel Lines: 'Street & Studio' @ Tate Modern" - http://www.bjp-online.com/
02/05/08 - Top Ten... - 'Top 10 Photographs That Remind Me of Manet' (by Aaron Schuman) - http://willsteacy.blogspot.com/2008/05/aaron-schumans-top-ten.html
28/04/08 - PhotoMonth in Krakow - Aaron Schuman (Editor, SeeSaw Magazine),
Portfolio Reviewer - 17th May 2008 - http://www.photomonth.com/
15/04/08 - Hotshoe International : #153, April/May 2008 - "30 & Dirty: An Interview with Ryan McGinley" - http://www.hotshoeinternational.com/
02/04/08 - British Journal of Photography, 2nd April 2008- "Park Life: An Interview with Tod Papageorge " - http://www.bjp-online.com/
18/03/08 - FOAM Magazine: #14 / 'Meanwhile', Spring 2008 - "Let the Longing Begin: Clare Richardson's Beyond the Forest " - http://www.foammagazine.nl/index.php?pageId=2
23/02/08 - Gallery Stock - Aaron Schuman joins Gallery Stock: 'Licensing Images of the Wolrds's Premiere Photographers'- http://www.gallerystock.com/
15/02/08 - Aperture: #190, Spring 2008 - "Review: 'How We Are' at Tate Britain, London" - by Aaron Schuman - http://aperture.org/
25/01/08 - DayFour: #6, "The New Constellations" - "In the Flow", photographs by Aaron Schuman - http://dayfour.info/
10/01/08 - FOAM Magazine: #13 / 'Searching', WInter 2007 - "Not Any More: Philip-Lorca di Corcia's Thousand" - http://www.foammagazine.nl/index.php?pageId=3
22/12/07 - Spot Magazine (Houston Center of Photography), Fall 2007 - SeeSaw featured in "The Photo Website: Our Faves" - http://hcponline.org/content.asp?secnum=56
13/12/07 - The Photographers' Gallery, London - "PhotoDebut Photosocial" (featuring Aaron Schuman and others) - http://photonet.mailinglist.org.uk/index.php?plid=923#print
02/11/07 - FOAM: Fotografiemuseum Amsterdam - "Ryan McGinley: Celebrating Life" (Accompanying Essay for Exhibition) - http://www.foam.nl/
30/10/07 - University of Brighton: Centre for Research & Development - RAE Submission - http://artsresearch.brighton.ac.uk/research/academic/schuman
15/10/07 - Hotshoe International : #150, Oct./Nov. 2007 - "'Fig.': An Interview with Adam Broomberg and Oliver Chanarin " - http://www.hotshoeinternational.com/
19/09/07 - British Journal of Photography, 19th Sept. 2007 - "American Surfaces: Taryn Simon's Hidden and Unfamiliar" - http://www.bjp-online.com/
23/08/07 - 'Tranformations: NYU Photography & Imaging at 25' featuring Aaron Schuman - 721 B'way, NYC, Sept.-Nov. 2007 - http://photo.tisch.nyu.edu/object/Photo_Transformations.html
20/08/07 - 'DazedDigital: The Wanted Project Exhibition', featuring Aaron Schuman (Stockholm - 30/8/07-2/9/07, Milan - 20-23/9/07) - http://www.dazeddigital.com/
19/08/07 - SeeSaw Magazine, Summer '07 - featuring Jackie Nickerson, Hank Thomas, Roger Ballen, Shen Wei, Daniel Cramer, Kerim Aytac and more
- www.seesawmagazine.com
27/07/07 - Saatchi Online: Critic's Choice by Aaron Schuman - http://www.saatchi-gallery.co.uk/blogon/2007/07/shen_wei_saatchi_online_critic.php
01/06/07 - Rhubarb-Rhubarb - Aaron Schuman (Editor, SeeSaw Magazine),
Reviewer @ Rhubarb-Rhubarb '07 - 26th-29th July, 2007 - www.rhubarb-rhubarb.net
15/05/07 - Aperture: #187, Summer 2007 - "Review: 'Twilight' at the V&A, London" - by Aaron Schuman - http://aperture.org/
10/04/07 - SeeSaw Magazine, Spring '07 - featuring Mark Power,
Indre Serpytyte, Mike Brodie, MLDD, Aaron Schuman, David Maisel and much more
- www.seesawmagazine.com
08/04/07 - Humble Foundation: Group Show #14 - Tema Stauffer, Dana Miller, Shawn Records, Aaron Schuman and more - http://humbleartsfoundation.org/
01/04/07 - Hotshoe International : #147, April/May 2007 - "Interview with Ola Kolehmainen" & "Review: Andreas Gursky @ White Cube" - http://www.hotshoeinternational.com/
15/02/07 - Hotshoe International : #146, Feb./March 2007 - "Face of Fashion @ The National Portrait Gallery, London" - by Aaron Schuman - http://www.hotshoeinternational.com/
15/02/07 - Hotshoe International : #146, Feb./March 2007 - "Review: 5X7, by William Eggleston" - by Aaron Schuman
25/01/07 - "Things We Love" @ Crane Kalman Brighton (Brighton, UK) - http://www.cranekalmanbrighton.com/
03/12/06 - "PhotoDebut: Stop Moving " @ Hoxton Sq./Elephant&Castle/Brick Lane (London) - http://www.photodebut.org/activities.html
29/11/06 - Aperture: #185, Winter 2006 - "Review: Thomas Demand" - by Aaron Schuman - http://aperture.org/
28/11/06 - Hotshoe International : #145, Dec/Jan 2007 - "Review: Koudelka " - by Aaron Schuman - http://www.hotshoeinternational.com/
15/11/06 - SeeSaw Magazine, Autumn '06 - featuring Clare Richardson, Birgitta Lund, Sophie Howarth, Thomas Bangsted and much more
- www.seesawmagazine.com
12/11/06 - DayFour: #5, "Winter Notes on Summer Impressions" - "In the Beginning", photographs by Aaron Schuman - http://dayfour.info/
15/09/06 - FotoBild: Germany's Photography Fair - Aaron Schuman
(Editor, SeeSaw Magazine), Reviewer @ FotoBild '06 - 9th-12th
November, 2006 - www.fotobild05.de
- "The Observer: Seeds of Change Photography Competition",
Runner-Up @ Oxo Tower (London), 20th Aug. - 18th Sept., 2006 - http://observer.guardian.co.uk/seedsofchange
24/06/06 - Saatchi Gallery Online: "Aaron Schuman Interviews Photographer Richard Misrach" - http://www.saatchi-gallery.co.uk/blogon/2006/06/aaron_schuman_interviews_photo_1.php
- "In China: Photographs by Aaron Schuman" @ The Oriental
Museum (Durham, UK), 20th May - 29th September, 2006 - www.aaronschuman.com/inchina/intro.html
15/04/06 - SeeSaw Magazine, Spring '06 - featuring Richard Misrach,
Greta Pratt, Wyatt Gallery, Will Steacy, Sarah Pickering and much more
- www.seesawmagazine.com
10/04//06 - Rhubarb-Rhubarb - Aaron Schuman (Editor, SeeSaw Magazine),
Reviewer @ Rhubarb-Rhubarb '06 - 27th-30th July, 2006 -
18/01/06 - "Petites Morts", featuring Aaron Schuman
@ London Art Fair '06 (Cynthia Corbett Gallery), 18th January
- 31st
- www.thecynthiacorbettgallery.com
06/11/05 - SeeSaw Magazine, Autumn '05 - featuring Alec
Soth, Ed Burtynsky, Brian Ulrich, Martin Coyne, Sybil Miller,
and much more
- www.seesawmagazine.com
20/08/05 - "In China: Photographs by Aaron Schuman" @
Museum of East Asian Art (Bath, England), 23rd August - 11th
December, 2005
- www.aaronschuman.com/inchina/intro.html
01/08/05 - Bust Magazine, August/September '05 - "Men We
Love: Simon Pegg", photograph by Aaron Schuman - www.bust.com
15/07/05 - SeeSaw Magazine, Summer '05 - featuring Stephen Shore,
Christopher Stewart, Edgar Martins, Carrie Mae Weems, Mike Davis, and
more - www.seesawmagazine.com
01/07/05 - Rhubarb-Rhubarb - Aaron Schuman (Editor, SeeSaw Magazine),
Reviewer @ Rhubarb-Rhubarb '05 - 4th-7th July, 2005 -
01/03/05 - Creative Review, March '05 - "PhotoDebut",
featuring photographs by Aaron Schuman - www.creativereview.co.uk
01/02/05 - "Street Photography @ TATE", Tate Modern
(Members Room), London, 5th February-29th December, 2005 - www.tate.org.uk/modern/eventseducation